Like all the best adventures. A pilgrimage of sorts. From Bath to Glastonbury. Summer 2021.
And so it was that Luke and Agathe stumbled into Frome one evening, tired and thirsty. Savouring a pint of Butcombe at the Three Swans they felt immediately welcome.
Next day they hiked onwards to the neighbouring village of Mells. Past the old horse chestnut tree where they imagined walking a Lagotto Romagnolo truffle hunting dog, their favourite breed. Luke even wrote about Mells afterwards.
A year later they decided to go for it and relocate to Frome. By the end of the year Mona the baby Lagotto was born, ready to join the team.
And the bookshop? Luke and Agathe have both worked for over a decade in climate action and sustainability. Outside of work Luke's passion is historic architecture and landscapes, as documented through his @englishpilgrim instagram account. Both wanted community, passion and in the face of so much loss in the world, solidarity. So the idea was born. They'd start a bookshop that would be everything conservation. Real conservation of all we've inherited and all we are responsible to pass on. This would be a place of inspiration and debate, of community, beauty, and a dose of rebellion too. So here we are with our little bookshop in genesis but with big dreams in our hearts.
Long Live the Hedgerows,
Luke & Agathe & Mona the LagoFollow Our Story