Independent Bookseller

Independent Bookseller

For nature, landscape, heritage, history and the arts. We are an online and physical bookshop based in Frome, Somerset, England.

For nature, landscape, heritage, history and the arts. We are an online and physical bookshop based in Frome, Somerset, England.


Go on a wild journey...

The Old Ways : A Journey on Foot
Wild Atlantic Women : Walking Ireland's West Coast
On This Holy Island: A Modern Pilgrimage Across Britain
The Wild Places

Explore our unique book selections

Our categories are a bit different. They reflect our values and interests. Our strength is nature writing though we cover much more...

Explore our Book Selection
1 Year of Wild Words
From £180.00
From £180.00
6 months of Wild Words
From £90.00
From £90.00
3 months of Wild Words
From £45.00
From £45.00

Read thought provoking fiction...

A Month in the Country
The Offing

Long Live the Hedgerows

Immerse yourself in magical wildlife...

Meadowland : the private life of an English field
Ghosts in the Hedgerow
Where the Seals Sing

Don't have what you need?

Amazon has a rival for independents. Fighting the good fight for us. If you're in the UK go to their website and select Sherlock & Pages from Choose a Bookshop (top right) and we will receive 30% of the cover price from any purchases you make. They have a huge selection of titles, so if you have something particular in mind we don't have, head over to and you can still support us that way

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