Unruly Waters : How Mountain Rivers and Monsoons Have Shaped South Asia's History by Sunil Amrith 9780141982632

Unruly Waters : How Mountain Rivers and Monsoons Have Shaped South Asia's History


Unruly Waters takes you on a captivating journey through South Asia's history, unravelling the profound influence of its rivers, monsoons, and coastlines on the region's civilizations. With a fresh perspective, Sunil Amrith reimagines the narrative of Asia through the lens of its ever-changing waters. From the mighty Indus and Ganges rivers to the tumultuous monsoons and vast oceans, this book unveils how the unpredictable forces of nature have shaped the course of empires, cultures, and societies across the centuries.

Sunil Amrith is a renowned historian and professor at Harvard University. His extensive research and deep insights into the interplay between geography, climate, and human history have garnered critical acclaim. Amrith's engaging writing style transports readers into the heart of South Asia's turbulent past, offering a refreshing and compelling perspective on the region's complex tapestry.

Book ISBN: 9780141982632
Book Weight: 302g

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